It’s true–despite travel restrictions, you can still learn how to make pasta with an Italian and listen to live opera while sipping on wine as if you were in Italy! I can say this because I did it, and the experience was incredible. Here is my honest review of my first virtual cooking class.

Pasta and Live Opera: An Air Bnb experience gone virtual
I have never made pasta before from scratch, but I’ve always wanted to learn how by taking a pasta-making class in Italy where it all began. There’s something magical about the way you can transform such basic ingredients, such as flour and water, into perfect bite-size dough formations.
When I noticed that Air Bnb was going to start making their in-person experiences virtual events through Zoom, I jumped on the opportunity to experience Italy from afar. Air Bnb has all kinds of activities you can participate in from around the world to better understand other cultures better. What stood out to me the most about the “Opera in the Kitchen” class, was that the cooking instructor named Lucrezia would be virtually teaching from her home in Florence, Italy, and there was a live opera aspect. I had never heard of a cooking class that merges music and cooking, and it was definitely a unique experience that I will never forget.
Would I do it again? Absolutely.
This class was a nice reminder to me that we just need to adjust the way we entertain ourselves post-COVID… not everything needs to be canceled in 2020!
My boyfriend in our kitchen, which felt like a special date night out. I even put a dress on for the occasion, which these days, is a big deal.
It was apparent that the virtual classes were popular because I had to book our class weeks in advance. I didn’t mind booking it so far out though, because it was nice to actually have something on the calendar to look forward to. In order for Lucrezia to provide individual feedback to each person, up to ten people could join the class at a time. As we started rolling the dough, everyone was asking if they were doing it correctly (including myself), so it was nice that the class wasn’t too big.
Prior to the class, we were told what ingredients to have available. The cavatelli pasta we were making called for ground sausage, but mushrooms were suggested as an alternative, which was the route we took. Lucrezia also asked us to have a glass of wine available for the recipe, which really gave the sauce a rich flavor. As the class went on she encouraged us to sip on wine as we cooked like Italians do, and I thought, “This is my kinda class!”
Should you take the class? Absolutely.
The cavatelli noodles were the BEST pasta noodles I’ve ever has in my life–seriously! In fact, this might have turned me into a pasta snob. There’s no comparison between the fresh, soft dough we rolled in class and my former go-to pasta noodles–dried Borilla from the grocery store.
If you want to celebrate a special occasion or do a team-building activity with your colleagues while social-distancing, I highly recommend taking this pasta and live opera class! If you do, let me know what you think! Without a doubt, you’ll have a great time and will have fun stories to tell afterward.

Wondering what other Italian activities you can participate in from home?
Check out my Ultimate Italian-themed Staycation Bucketlist for Foodies! The bucketlist includes:
1.Learn to cook like an Italian, with an Italian—virtually
2. Learn the do’s and don’ts of Italian dining etiquette and cultural norms
3. Learn about regional Italian food
4. Participate in a virtual wine tasting
5. Transform your dining space’s ambiance
6. Make an iconic Italian apéritif
7. Master how to assemble an antipasto platter
8. Make an authentic Italian dish you’ve never had before
9. Make your own gelato
10. Make limoncello from scratch
11. Embrace Al Fresco Italian dining made simple. go on a picnic!
12. Go souvenir shopping from afar